Solution Focused Therapy
Welcome to Late Adulthood, include me!
"For your convenience, I have summarised this written text in a little video below".
Now and then, trauma raises its ugly head destabilises members of our families.
As a family, you may decide to seek me out to nut out some solutions.
If this is the case, complete The Discovery-Breakthrough form on my website.
Solution Focused Therapy.
Or as I like to call it: (Jeff Olson's )
"The Slight Edge"
I am not looking for character flaws in a person's problem saturated with traumas and victimisation story.
But those little pockets of their uplifting strengths, values and beliefs.
They may be slight edges when compounded over time, will knock out those negative feelings.
People under this depressive cloud, become liberated and optimistic and get back control in their lives.
You look at people and the world around you with a new set of lens, and positive emotions become habits.
I go as far as inspirationally reinventing yourself!
These slight edges our detective work has found, are the seeds of positive growth goals we want.
Hope becomes a reality!
My studies of Positive Psychology forge an unbreakable link with solution-focused ideas.
It is backed by science, evidence and research that provides a successful track record that proves these ideas to work!
What is heartfelt about Solution Focused or Narrative Focused Therapies can clients express themselves uniquely and stamp their brand with (example) "Positive Future Blueprint"
Human beings are more than capable of solving their problems!
They are the experts of what they want out of life.
I help motivate them to become survivors, not victims, using their strengths, values, beliefs and hope.
These are the power drivers of their goals!
Paradigm Tripled Shifted:
I help you became aware of the magic of your resources, waiting to be activated. "Wow I didn't know I could do that."
Using your resources and newly discovered strengths to catapult your gold studded future!
When you say to me, Bryan, "I am on the road to achievement, watch happens."
"That would be my finest hour, being a Happiness Practitioner."
Solution-Focused-Brief -Therapy
Also known as Solution-Focused Therapy
Earns a gold standard!
There have been approximately 150 randomized clinical trials with SFBT (RCTs, the "gold standard" of clinical research).
Gratefully verified from:
The 'Brief' indicates the positive outcome for clients established in fewer sessions than other therapies.
That means to prospective clients they can rely on evidence-based and backed by quality research proved to work in practice!
Like to surround myself with music with everything I do, what about you?
We become detectives and look for those gold studded strengths, values, beliefs and hopes for a positive future.
As Christopher Reeve (Original Superman) quoted, "Once you choose hope, anything is possible"
My page on Anxiety amplifies examples of hope. Viktor Frankl's experiences in a concentration camp, how powerful hope really is! There many other examples here as well.
Late Adulthood members, there are experiences in your own lives exercising hope has got you over your bridges of troubled waters, no doubt!
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we all have WonderWoman and Superman qualities within us"