A Hidden Benefit Of Aging
Slight Edges Advantages

A Hidden Benefit Of Aging.

Embracing the Advantages of Getting Older and the Empowerment that Comes with Age.

Include this keyword in the following: What Is Positive Ageing? Positive Ageing is a concept that focuses on the potential for personal growth and living a fulfilling and purposeful life in mid-to-late adulthood based on your values and life experiences.

This revelation was not just a discovery but a personal journey that unfolded as I delved into Positive Psychology and undertook several courses in Solution-Focused Therapy.

The hidden benefit of Ageing became my eureka moment, creating my niche as a Positive Ageing Innovator!

One of the benefits of Ageing is having more experience than younger people, which means we can look at the 'big picture' and realise what truly matters in life (and what doesn't). The older population has a clearer perspective of our priorities, needs, wants, and goals.

A Hidden Benefit Of Aging now magnifies visibility:

Throw a hidden benefit of aging into a pond, sending ripples of other keywords: Advantages of getting older, Benefits of being old, Benefits of SFBT and Example positive psychology.

A greater sense of acceptance of self and others, a desire for connection and the means to create it, life experiences that help us make intelligent decisions, wisdom, and empathy are all available to us as we grow older. 

"Gratitude. appreciation and unconditional love are the mainstays of our diamond married life".

Our program is uniquely designed to help you trigger positive responses, such as resilience, optimism, and adaptability. These responses are crucial in navigating the challenges of aging. We understand that these may be challenging to overcome, especially when surrounded by trauma. That's why we provide the tools and support to help you cultivate these responses and emerge stronger.

Positive Ageing, as I define it, is about the potential for significant personal growth and living a deeply fulfilling and purposeful life in mid-to-late adulthood based on your values and life experiences. It's not about avoiding the challenges of Aging but about embracing them and finding ways to grow and thrive. You play a crucial role in shaping what positive Aging looks like for you, empowering you to take charge of your own journey and feel in control and confident about your future.

My focus 🔎 is on Mid Adulthood progressing through to Late Adulthood.

Our program is not a one-size-fits-all solution to all your problems but a supportive companion on your aging journey. Age is not a limitation but a new chapter waiting to be written. Whether at a crossroads, seeking new destinations, or looking to reinvent yourself, our program is here to help you create further fulfilment and well-being by providing tools, resources, and guidance. 

I am here to help you circumnavigate any roadblocks you are experiencing at these crossroads. With my expertise and your determination, we can overcome any challenges that may come your way, ensuring a smooth and successful journey towards positive Aging. You can trust our ability to guide you effectively and confidently, assuring you that you're in good hands and can rely on our support.

It's for people who want to create a legacy and rekindle the passions and dreams they have left dangling on the back burner for so long. 

Those in retirement now rethink and exit retirement and build new businesses instead! They can create successful ventures based on their vault of wisdom, unique experiences, lessons learned, and expertise honed over many years.

You have earned the privilege and are in the best position to be effective in this stage of your life. You have the wisdom, experience, and resilience to navigate the challenges of Aging and thrive.

You are the role models for your family and future generations, guiding them through life's highs and lows. Our program also offers comprehensive support and resources for your family members, recognising their essential role in your journey towards positive Aging. We understand that their support is crucial for your success, and we are committed to providing them with the necessary tools and guidance. Their involvement will enhance your experience and contribute to their growth and understanding of aging, ensuring a supportive and caring environment.

I will design a blueprint that inspires you to manage any trauma you are experiencing and help you find unique solutions for your happiness and well-being. This process involves thoroughly understanding your needs, active participation, and continuous feedback. Your input is crucial in tailoring the plan to your specific circumstances and aspirations. The blueprint will be a personalised roadmap outlining the steps and strategies to help you achieve your goals and navigate the challenges of aging.

This master plan combines well-researched and evidence-based Positive Psychology and Solution-Focused Therapy. Positive Psychology focuses on the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. At the same time, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a short-term, goal-focused, evidence-based therapeutic approach that incorporates positive psychology principles and practices and helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on challenging situations, opening the door to unrealised opportunities!

This is my compelling reason for integrating SFBT with Positive Psychology, and I appreciate my pioneering attempts to add a third arm as a Positive Ageing Innovator.

After completing the Positive Psychology.com (below)

The Life Navigation program, which I am certified in, is a comprehensive guide designed to help you navigate the challenges of your particular journey through life and ensure a positive outcome. It provides a wealth of ideas, including strategies for maintaining physical and mental health, creating a legacy for your loved ones, and, most importantly, leveraging your wisdom, strengths, and beliefs accumulated over the years. The program offers practical advice and actionable steps to help you age positively.

The Sailboat Metaphor, a creative tool of the Life Navigation program, plots your course in an easy-to-visual manner, providing images you'll readily understand. It's a unique feature that helps you navigate your life journey.

Metaphors are an excellent way to tell stories about everyday life, the past, the present, and the future. They are like an imagined movie, jam-packed with reality emotions.

We will use metaphors wherever possible, amplifying the clarity of your journey or voyage throughout your life!

You become the 'captain' of your sailboat as you embark on your life journey through the eight empowering stages of human functioning. I will be your 'guiding lighthouse' through those vital functions.

When integrated with Dr Anne Lutz's Magic Square, we leave no stone unturned, regardless of the intensity of your overwhelming challenges!

I am grateful for sharing the following references (below), which provide the flexibility of crossing any educational boundary. Wherever you are in your stage of life, I am your guiding innovator.

The Hidden Benefit Of Aging, turns on the tap to boundless knowledge!







Sailboat Metaphor-Human Fuctioning.

You become the 'captain' of your sailboat going on your life journey of human functioning of the eight empowering stages. I will be your be your 'guiding lighthouse' through those vital functions.

A Hidden Benefit Of Aging
My Hybrid Innovation!

For challenging trauma cases, and new programs for Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools at the grassroots level became my passion for addressing worldwide concerns.


Dr Anne Lutz's, 'Magic Square' illustrates at a glance, Solution-Focused Therapy, which will catapult your understanding. I will explain these 'grassroots levels spiralling you to your treasured desired outcome!

The following video is a example of Domestic Violence linking Dr Anne Lutz's 'Magic Square' questioning technique!.

Hidden Benefit of Ageing.

    A Hidden Benefit Of Aging, creates a rippling effect in nature's pool of contentment!

  1.  The pond's mirrored surface is disrupted by three significant ripples on its surface, each ripple representing a different benefit of aging. Ripple one signifies wisdom, depicted as an ancient scroll floating on the surface.
  2.  Ripple two signifies peace, represented by a serene white dove taking flight from the water's edge. 
  3. The third ripple stands for longevity, illustrated by an hourglass gently sinking into the pond water.